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Orchestrator Bot Mods

Automated Transaction Bots Custom Fit for Your Technology Stack

We designed our bots to met the specific needs of travel sellers. From routine, highly repetitive tasks to complex booking fulfillment, Orchestrator offers a bot easily plugged into to your workflow, and customized for the software you're already running.

Image by Luke Hecht
Travel Polaroids
People Inside Taxi
Digital Contract
Traveling by Air
Traveling by Air
Traveling by Air

AIM Care

Duty of Care

AIM Care will find client specific information pertaining to the full scope of requirements any client has established or you provide. Extra words here and here and here and here that say something smart, compelling and valuable.


Wait Times

AIM TSA will find client specific information pertaining to the full scope of requirements any client has established or you provide. Extra words here and here and here and here that say something smart, compelling and valuable.

AIM Care

Duty of Care

AIM Care will find client specific information pertaining to the full scope of requirements any client has established or you provide. Extra words here and here and here and here that say something smart, compelling and valuable.

AIM Policy

Travel Policy & Client Guidance

AIM  Policy will find the correct travel policy for any client inquiry and will rapidly locate and distribute the relevant information. Extra words here and here and here and here that say something smart, compelling and valuable.


General Information

AIM Ask will read questions and queries from clients and quickly locate and distribute the most relevant information. Extra words here and here and here and here that say something smart, compelling and valuable.

Ask for a Demo


Exchange, Cancel & Refund

This is your Product description. Write a short overview including important features, pricing and any other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video that shows off your great-looking product and entices users to make a purchase.

AIM Retriever

Invoice & Itinerary Retrieval

This is your Product description. Write a short overview including important features, pricing and any other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video that shows off your great-looking product and entices users to make a purchase.

AIM Booker

Custom Booking Bot

AIM Booker starts the moment your customer's intent to travel hits the inbox. It reads provided information, asks for more as needed and extracts terms for your search engine and with traveler approval, can fulfill the booking.

AIM Booker also leaves plenty of space for your service team to handle the complex high value booking opportunities.

We've built our bot mods to handle approximately 86% of the typical service requests flowing through a free text channel. But maybe we missed yours. Get in touch and we'll be pleased to talk about it.

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